stress less with a professionally-built and organised wardrobe

Are you tired of starting every day in a rush because you have to sift through piles of clothes to try and find something to wear or the kids can’t find a missing sock or their sports uniform?

Starting the day in a rush just creates stress that we spend the rest of the day trying to shake. Not ideal.

A disorganised wardrobe that doesn’t have enough space - or enough of the right space to house your stuff - is not your friend. Our homes should be a calm haven where we can retreat from the stresses of day-to-day life, yet all too often they become a battleground.

That’s where a 7am custom designed wardrobe comes in. You won’t believe how much value a properly-designed, professionally-built wardrobe will add to your home life and how much time it will save you.

Here are our top five ways a 7am custom designed wardrobe will improve your everyday, give you back some valuable time and make your bedroom the calm haven you need and deserve!

More time

When everything has a place, it’s so much easier and quicker to find what you need - plus you can easily see exactly what you have. When 7am begin working with a new customer the first thing we do is find out exactly what their storage needs are. We then work to come up with a wardrobe design that meets those needs in the most efficient way possible so the morning rush ceases to be a rush.

Less stress

Studies have identified a direct link between the stress hormone cortisone and clutter, finding that constant clutter can cause elevated cortisol levels and disrupted sleep. Your bedroom is where you start and finish your day and should therefore be as calm and stress-free as possible.

Personalised storage

The best thing about custom designed built-in storage is that it’s designed to exactly suit your needs. If you’re a shoe lover, indulge your passion and include a full height shoe tower so you can see all your favourites at a glance and take good care of them. You can create your own combination of drawers, hanging rails and shelves to accommodate your belongings, allow you to see what you have and easily access those items.

Save $$

Apart from just storing our clothes, wardrobes perform an important role in protecting our clothes and belongings from the sun and keeping them dry and free from dust. By looking after your clothes and shoes you extend their lives which saves you money. And by being able to see exactly what you have there’s less chance of buying something you already own.

Add value to your home

Custom wardrobes are designed specifically for the space and can be installed from wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling or in an existing recess or nook to accommodate the bedroom’s size and layout, and create more useable space. Plus the look of the wardrobe can be matched to the home’s style eg shaker profile doors for a heritage home, v-groove for a breezy coastal feel or a dark veneer for a sophisticated finish. When it’s time to sell, custom storage not only makes your home look more polished but is one of the features most sought-after by potential buyers.

There’s no doubt that our physical space has a significant impact on our state of mind and well-being. Investing in well-organised customised storage will allow you to create and maintain a tidy wardrobe and a clutter-free bedroom. Your bedroom will become the calm retreat it should be and you can expect to sleep better and enjoy feeling more focused and a greater sense of well-being.

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